All of the abbreviations can be confusing! Here are a few common ones you’ll see!
AC-After coupon
AR-After rebate
Blinkie-Coupon provided from a container attached to a store shelf
BOGO-Buy One Get One Free
BTFE-Box Tops for Education
B&M-An actual store “brick & mortar” not online
CAT-Catalina Coupons which print at the register,(comes with receipt).
Cartwheel-A Target Program that gives % off certain items.
CC-Competitors Coupon
CRT-Cash register tape/coupons at the bottom of your receipt.
DND-Do Not Double
Double Coupon-A coupon which can be doubled in value
ECB-Extra Care Bucks CVS
ETS-Excludes Trial Size
FAR-Free After Rebate
Filler-A product you buy to get your total up to the required amount.
FS-Free shipping
GC-Gift card
GM-General Mills
HTH-Hope That Helps
In-Ad Coupons-come in the weekly store ad
IVC-Instant Value Coupon Walgreens
IPQ, IP-Internet Printable coupon
Matchups-matching coupons, e-coupons, catalinas with sales
MFG, MFR-Manufacturer
MM-Money Maker
MQ-Manufacturer’s Coupon
MIR-Mail-In Rebate
NLA-No longer available
OOP-Out of Pocket
OOS-Out of Stock
OYNO-On Your Next Order
POP-Proof of Purchase
PP-Purchase price
Printable-Printable coupon
P&G-Proctor & Gamble coupon insert
Peelie-Coupon attached to an item that can be peeled off
Regional-A coupon or deal available in only a specific area
RP-Red Plum coupon insert
RR-Register Rewards Walgreens
SS-Smart Source coupon insert
Stacking-Using a manufacturer’s coupon in addition to a store coupon
UPC-bar code
UPR-Up Rewards, Rite Aid WSL-While Supplies Last
WYB-When You Buy
V-Valassis coupon insert
WSL-While supplies last
YMMV-Your Mileage May Vary